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Truck Dealer Frequently Asked Questions

Truck Dealer Form
Which truck dealers are eligible for this program?
This program is open to all Dealers.  There is no preferred list.

What truck owners are eligible for this program?
How much grant funding is available?
What kind of trucks can be purchased?
How do I know a trucker has been accepted into the program?
What information do I need to provide for the rebate?
Who receives the rebate?
When will the rebate be available?
What is the general process for the program?
How can I get an application?
Who do I contact for assistance?
How do I submit a Clean TRIP application?
Submit all paperwork electronically (preferred)
Please ensure a confirmation email is received for electronic submission.

Hand deliver or mail paperwork:
Port of New Orleans Clean TRIP Program
Port Admin Building
1350 Port of New Orleans Place
New Orleans, LA 70130
M-F 8:00am – 4:00pm