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Frequently Asked Questions

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Who is eligible for this program?
What are the eligibility requirements for the trucks?
How much grant funding is available?
What kind of trucks can be purchased?
Do we have to purchase a truck in Louisiana?
What is the purpose of this program?
Can I apply for funding for more than one truck?
How can I show proof of service to Port of New Orleans facilities?
I just bought an old truck – can I replace it with a newer truck through this program?
My truck just broke down – can I replace it with a newer truck through this program?
Complete applications must include the following:
How long will the process take?
Enrolling in the program will take considerable time and effort. Expect to dedicate two to three hours to the application process, including communications with Clean TRIP staff. Once program eligibility has been confirmed and a certificate for replacement issued, you may begin to shop for a new truck. Consistent communication and coordination is required by all parties throughout the replacement process. Clean TRIP truck replacements usually take 2-3 months, but may take longer.
How can I tell if I will qualify for financing for the balance of the truck price?
Approval for financing is solely the decision of the financial institutions and is generally based upon your credit report and credit score. A credit report is a record of your credit history. Other factors may be reviewed by the financial institution before financing is approved. Below is a list of questions that are commonly asked by financial institutions when reviewing financing applications. Please consider these questions before you choose to pursue participating in the Clean TRIP program.
Answering yes to any these questions may impact your chance of obtaining financing, but ultimately the decision is up to the financing institutions.
When should I scrap my old truck?
Can the truck owner remove and sell radiator, transmission, rear ends, 5th wheel hitch etc. before scrapping? 
Do the trucks have to be driven to the scrapyard, or can they be towed?
When should I buy my new truck?
Who is gets the rebate?
All rebates are made payable to the truck dealer.
How can I get an application?
Who do I contact for assistance?
How do I submit an application?
Electronically submit to:
Clean.trip@portnola.comPlease ensure a confirmation email is received for electronic submission.

Mail* or Hand Deliver to:
Port of New Orleans
Clean TRIP Program
Port Admin Building
1350 Port of New Orleans Place
2nd Floor Services
New Orleans, LA 70130
8:00am – 4:00pm
*All applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funding is expended.

Clean TRIP staff work with applicants through the review process to ensure all applications submitted are complete.

Updates on Clean TRIP availability can be found on the Clean TRIP website
Failure to comply with any program requirements may result in the rebate request being denied.